Sunday, July 13, 2014


I managed to but my new axles the other day and ran them up this weekend. Of course I did not order springs at the same time. Silly me, but I did not have my spring length at the time. 26". So now I need to get springs and mount them. I might be able to get away with the old tires for the purpose of leveling for the purpose of building.

In the end though i will need to replace those wheels since not only are the rims the old split style which are not allowed any more, but those tires are not good. Aged and cracking.

Alas no photos taken, but over the past two weekends I got the sheet on the frame and started the framing for the back of the structure. I might have done more framing but not only is the version of sketch up on the cabin computer old, but when I take up the new version it wants a file from the net which I do not have.

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